If you are reading this, it is not too late…

Bad RNG brings out the devil in all of us…
This weekend we will be hosting our very first whitelist-exclusive tournament on the ZenSports app.
Only those who have applied and been accepted into the whitelist for minting a ZenSportsian will be granted entrance into the tournament.
The event will feature a prize pool of $2,500 among additional prizes from our partners and sponsors.
The premise of the tournament is simple – to show all of our whitelisted members how lucky they are to be a part of ZenSportsia and to give them a sneak peak into what life as a ZenSportsian looks like.
Details about the tournament will be voted upon by whitelisted members in Discord as we move closer to the weekend.
Currently, the only available information is that the tournament is currently available on ZenSports.
The game, time, logistics, etc are still up to you and your future ZenSportsian community members.
The first 64 players who sign up with an account which matches the email they used to fill out the Whitelist Application will be granted entry to the event.
Signups will be accepted up until Thursday 3/10 at Noon EST! Good luck!
Tournament Update
We will be playing…. 2048!
Yes, the awesome and addictive game where you match tiles!
I think this game caters to everyone, and does not give anyone an advantage.
The tournament date will be Saturday 2/12. The exact time is up for vote below!
The format for the event is simple, matches will last 3 minutes, and the player with the higher score at the end of the three minutes wins!
Players will only be allowed to start one match during the five minutes, so play carefully!
Each round will be best-of-three.
Matches will be played one at a time, and both players will live-stream their games to a private discord channel for the event.
At the five minute mark, we will screenshot both scores, and the winner will advance!
The tournament will be live-streamed to the ZenSports Twitch and Theta channels.
Since 2048 is simple, the tournament will likely take less than 2 hours to complete.
We are limiting the number of contestants to the first 32 who register on ZenSports, so go check the event out on the app!
Practice here: https://play2048.co/